Hello there...

Let me tell you something about myself.

I’m an incoming Master’s student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology where I will be studying Software Engineering of Distributed Systems. I’ve been programming since I was a child, and have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from Delft University of Technology. Before that, I took the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, which is probably why all of my blog posts are so long.

The goal of this blog is to explore issues that are facing me as a person and software developer. Ultimately, I want to talk about my experiences in developing tools for the greater good of consumers and developers. However, this blog will probably also feature quite a few interesting problems I encountered and how I solved them.

I have no plans to maintain a portfolio/CV here. For more information in that regard, please visit my GitHub profile and LinkedIn page, both can be found at the footer of this page.